The Certified Transitional Care Fellow program allows individuals to complete a brief online independent study course individually. Once you complete this course, you will stand-out from the competition as you will have a much deeper understanding of how to most appropriately address care transitions and issues across the continuum, and position yourself and your organization as a preferred provider in your local community. Complete at your own pace. Don't miss out on this fantastic program. This program also includes 4.0 CEU or CME for licensed individuals at no extra cost.

Upon completion you will receive a certificate that can be posted in your office, a press release you can complete to issue locally, and a Certification Seal that can be included on your business cards, website, email signature and brochures.

The initials listed after your team members names once completing this certification are: CTCF (Certified Transitional Care Fellow).

Module 1 Home Care Certification Introduction
Unit 1 Introduction to the Home Care Certification Program  
Module 2 Readmission Prevention
Unit 1 Video, Slides and Competency Exam - Readmission Prevention  
Module 3 Bundled Payments
Unit 1 Video, Slides and Competency Exam - Bundled Payments  
Module 4 Transitional Care Management
Unit 1 Video, Slides and Competency Exam - Transitional Care Management  
Module 5 Home Care Certification
Unit 1 Home Care Certification Conclusion  
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